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Introducing Our Core Technology, Spotlight
Our artificial intelligence technology uses algorithms to identify key insights from masses of unstructured data.
Communicate in-depth ideas efficiently with your clients, team, and leaders through Spotlight’s built-in collaborative features.
Build Relationships
You can then share these digestible, curated “talking points” with clients to start meaningful conversations on topics that matter to them.
Generate Key Insights
Spotlight surfaces smart “talking points” — key decision-making and revenue-generating info — from various sources like reports or transcripts.
Track Engagement
Utilize Spotlight’s engagement analytics to tailor future talking points for your specific audience.
Spotlight Use Cases
Spotlight identifies unique business insights from mountains of unstructured data — in any industry.
What business problem does Spotlight solve?• Over 80% of the 2.5 quintillion bytes of data businesses generate or collect is unstructured – most often in the form of text, and increasingly, audio or videos. Yet according to a Harvard Business Review study less than 1% of said unstructured data is ever used. In the financial industry, less than 1% of all research reports are ever read, according to a Quinlan & Associates study. • The costs to businesses is immense: the average investment analyst spends two-thirds of her time collecting mostly unstructured data and then trying to determine whether said data is even material to begin with. The average salesperson spends two-thirds of his time sifting through mostly unstructured data, to better engage customers and prospects – in other words, much more time is spent sifting than selling.The result of all this productivity-sapping drudgery is underinformed, mistimed or misplaced business decisions, lost sales, and increased risk. • In the current era of extremely hard-to-find, costly-to-hire and expensive-to-replace talent, low productivity has a massive ripple effect on both the top and bottomline: it becomes impossible to scale aggregate output without linearly scaling labor inputs. And on top of that, having talented employees waste their precious time on drudgery-filled tasks often leads to employee disengagement, burnout, and turnover. • Lastly, many businesses spend huge sums purchasing reports few people if anyone ever reads, resulting in a huge waste of content spend.
How does Spotlight solve the problem?• Spotlight automatically distills long, dense reports—of any length, in any layout, and relevant to any industry—and pinpoints, organizes and ranks the most material talking points, speeding up the analysis and due diligence process by orders of magnitude, in turn enabling the rapid identification of business and investment opportunities and vastly expanding the volume of information that can be considered in making business decisions. • Spotlight automatically generates a topical table of contents—intelligently grouped into categories called themes—allowing the user to discover the topics and issues that are most salient in the report in question, solving the “I don’t know what I don’t know problem” common when users are confronted with a report they might never have the time to read or which they don’t even know is worth reading in the first place. • Spotlight not only increases content utilization by orders of magnitude—thereby reducing wasted content spend—it also helps determine which reports should be purchased in the first place, and from whom.
How are smart talking points ranked?Smart talking points are ranked by materiality. Spotlight knows the difference between an intent and an accomplishment, and the difference between empty rhetoric and significant facts, trends, or investments.
Can you give examples of smart talking points?Examples include key takeaways, material statements, key trends, investments, financial highlights, major accomplishments, strategic goals, material business statements, key announcements, major events, forecasts, strategic recommendations, and insightful or provocative points of view.
What other data points does Spotlight provide?Spotlight also employs computer vision, a form of artificial intelligence, to rank the most visually interesting pages in a report. This allows the rapid curation of visual pages and infographics, featuring the most interesting charts, tables, and graphics. These visual talking points then complement textual talking points and themes to allow the rapid perusal of a report, saving hours, days or even weeks of time. Spotlight can also provide Spotlight clips, key business and investments insights (grouped into risks or opportunities) on companies, industries, or sectors.
Why can’t I simply use a search engine instead of Spotlight?Search engines help users find documents. Spotlight helps users read them. A search engine includes snippets of information from a document, merely to inform the user that the document contains the keywords in question. However, when one opens a 300-page PDF report found on a search engine, the only recourse is Ctrl-F which only leads to a painfully interminable process of trying to find a needle in yet another haystack. Another way to think of it is as follows: a document could be right in front of you, staring you in the face, regardless of how you “found” it—search or nay—yet you still might never have time to read it.
How do I invoke Spotlight? What is the user interface?Spotlight can be launched by simply dragging and dropping a report onto the Spotlight viewer canvas. Within seconds, smart talking points and themes are illuminated.
How long does Spotlight take to analyze long reports?Very long reports in the hundreds of pages often take up about a minute, long reports up to 100 pages often take 10s of seconds, and short reports in the 10s of pages typically take a few seconds to complete.
What sort of reports can Spotlight analyze and in what format?You can drag and drop any report: from investment research reports to regulatory filings, to economic research, to Federal Reserve minutes, to the latest McKinsey research on key markets of interest, and much more.
What document formats does Spotlight support?We currently support PDFs – with support for other document formats to come.
Is the report still accessible after I drag and drop it?The documents or reports are fully accessible in the Weave. Clicking a smart talking point opens the document’s page the talking point is on. And the original document is also easily accessible in the event you wish to access or print it. Spotlight does not aim to replace the original report; it merely serves as a powerful navigational guide to quickly peruse or analyze the reports from a variety of perspectives. You can then determine if the report is worth reading in the first place, and if so, which parts you wish to focus on. Subsequently you can drill down into the specific parts of the report that you find most interesting.
Can I drag and drop multiple reports?Yes. Spotlight allows you to drag and drop multiple reports onto the Spotlight canvas. An aggregate view of all the smart talking points and themes—across all the reports—is then displayed. You can then filter the smart talking points by specific documents in the collection.
What is a Weave?A Weave is a new type of document that results from one or more Spotlight operations. Spotlight spotlights the most salient highlights of one or more reports. These highlights—smart talking points and visual pages—can then be curated and shared with team-members and stakeholders. The result of this process is anew type of a document called a Weave. Think of a Weave as the result of ‘weaving’ together threads of insights that originate from different reports, thereby saving the reader valuable time. In summary a Weave is a modern, snackable, digestible, interactive, and measurable information format optimized for delivering quick bites of actionable insights and engaging today's busy information consumer.
How do I curate smart talking points and visual pages?Smart talking points and visual pages can be tagged using emojis, not unlike how today’s consumers tag messages on their smartphones with emojis. This simple and intuitive user interface promotes visual communication and facilitates a layer of visual, communicative storytelling atop dense, reports that are often hard to digest.
How do I share smart talking points or Weaves?To share a smart talking point is as simple as clicking a copy button which copies it to the clipboard. You can then paste the talking point in an email or other information or business tool. Smart talking points can also be shared as hyperlinks: when the recipient clicks the talking point the Weave that has the talking point is opened, the talking point is highlighted and the page the talking point came from is opened so the recipient gets the full context. Entire Weaves can also be shared in a similar way and when the recipient opens the Weave all the curated talking points, visual pages and emojis are displayed.
How does Spotlight automatically categorize smart talking points?Spotlight leverages the Weave.AI Knowledge Graph, a comprehensive database of topics, issues, technologies, organizations, people, entities, and relationships, all collectively referred to as “themes.”Spotlight automatically annotates smart talking points with themes from the knowledge graph, providing the intelligent discovery of thematic insights out of one or more reports. The knowledge graph also understands context, knowing that there are numerous ways that all describe the theme “carbon footprint,” and that “BP” in a medical article likely refers to blood pressure while BP in an oil and gas report likely refers to the oil company.
How is the knowledge graph different from a search engine?Search engines employ keywords and offer the user a choice (“Did you mean?”) when a particular keyword might have different meanings. A knowledge graph, on the other hand, has to make the right determination, using context and other algorithmic cues to confidently categorize a talking point without user input.
How do you update the knowledge graph and at what frequency?The Weave.AI Knowledge Graph is automatically built and maintained using a form of AI called natural-language-processing (NLP) – by analyzing millions of business and investment data points daily, across all industries and sectors. The graph is updated 24/7.
My reports are very sensitive. If I drag and drop a report, where is it stored?When you Spotlight a report, a copy of it is stored in a secure repository in the cloud. Only users that have access to that very same report will be able to access the talking points that Spotlight generates. You also have the option of securely encrypting reports you generate, ensuring that they remain secure in flight and at rest.
How many languages does Spotlight support?Spotlight supports over 100 languages.
Can Spotlight be used to translate smart talking points to other languages?Yes. Businesses oftentimes publish reports in one language yet have a global audience of customers, partners, or other stakeholders. Translating a report chockfull of graphics is prone to a myriad of translation and document layout errors. Spotlight solves this problem. Smart talking points can be translated from the source language into more than 100 languages, allowing businesses to “publish once and distribute globally,” which in turn saves valuable time and money. And because Weaves are inherently visual—with curated talking points, visual emojis, and visual pages—the entire paradigm facilitates much more global reach from a cognitive communication standpoint.
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